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Zopiclone tablets  act by working on receptors in the brain to slow down the nervous system. Some pills are  used  more for inducing sleep, while others are used  for staying asleep.

Zopiclone  tablets come in different dosage. If you consume 7.5mg then it starts the function in about 1 hour. Consult your doctor before consuming any sleeping tablet.

Taking  zopiclone tablets in an excess amount can lead to depression or even it can cause death. Always take  tablets as prescribed by your doctor or physician.

The dosage of the zopiclone  tablets depends upon person to person. A normal dose is 0.5mg to 7.5mg. Do not increase the quantity on your own as it causes some serious side effects.

It is recommended to take any zopiclone tablet right before going to your bed. Staying awake after consuming a tablet can cause side effects.

It  takes  8-10 working days  for united  kingdom and 18-24 days  for Australia.